Dr. John J. O'Dwyer Memorial Physics Scholarship

Paul Vianco ‘80 established this perpetual scholarship in memory of Dr. John J. O’Dwyer, to assist students with a declared major in Physics.
Dr. O’Dwyer was a valued mentor to Paul — and the lessons he learned, and the skills he gained from that mentorship, together with the other pivotal experiences he had at SUNY Oswego – formed the groundwork that allowed Paul to earn an MSc and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Rochester, NY, then to go on to a meaningful and rewarding professional career at Sandia National Laboratories, NM.
This narrative was the basis that inspired Paul to give back to SUNY Oswego and the Physics Department, in particular, in the form of this fund ""Lighting the Path to Wisdom"" to help our next generation of students fulfill their dreams of a college education. To qualify for this a student must:

a. Be a matriculated full-time incoming senior with a declared major in Physics (12 credit hours minimum).
b. Apply in junior year for an award to be received the following academic year.
c. First preference is for a student with a GPA of greater than, or equal to, 3.5 (equivalent to cum laude) in the Physics program. In the case of multiple candidates, the individual would be selected by the Physics Department chairperson. The chairperson may wish to consult with the Physics Department faculty in the choice of awardee.
d. Second preference, if no incoming senior with a declared major in Physics meets the GPA of greater than, or equal to, 3.5 (equivalent to cum laude) in the Physics program, is for a GPA between 3.3 and 3.5 within the Physics program.

Note: In the event that no incoming senior with a declared major in Physics meets either GPA preference, the award shall not be presented in that academic year.
The Dr. John J. O’Dwyer Memorial Physics Scholarship recipient will be formally awarded and recognized with a certificate at Honors Convocation – a tradition observed each spring semester to recognize Oswego student award winners and those who have demonstrated excellence in their field of study or in service to the college community. Awards from departments, the Oswego Alumni Association, Oswego College Foundation, and Division of Extended Learning, as well as the Chancellor’s Awards for Student Excellence, mark this ""joyous celebration of academic success.
