Delta Kappa Kappa Fraternity Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the brothers of the Delta Kappa Kappa Fraternity in honor of their 90th anniversary. This scholarship recognizes DKK as the first active fraternity on campus to establish a scholarship and highlights the positive impact Greek Life can have on a student’s experience as well as on the college.
To qualify for this award, a student must:
a. Be a member of a recognized Greek social organization in good standing on campus
b. Be in good standing with both the college and Greek Life
c. Have demonstrated service and/or leadership within the college or Greek Life
d. Maintain a minimum 3.00 SUNY Oswego cumulative GPA.
e. Submit a 500-word essay describing service, leadership, and/or academic excellence with the college and/or Greek Life
f. Preference will be giving to students with documented financial need

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please name the Greek organization to which you are a member.
  2. Submit a 500-word essay describing service, leadership, and/or academic excellence with the college and/or Greek Life.