Dr. I. David Glick Scholarship for Excellence in Communication

“This scholarship was established in memory of Dr. I. David Glick by Keith R. Chamberlain ‘87, Dr. Glick’s children, and many Communication Studies alumni in order to promote critical thinking about communication studies, while sustaining and advancing Dr. Glick’s belief that “active learning for oneself is superior to passive reception of content.” The scholarship will provide financial assistance to students who plan on pursuing a career in the Communication Arts field. To qualify for this award a student must:
a. Apply as a Sophomore or Junior (completed at least 27 – 86 credits, including transfer credits, by deadline)
b. Be a General Communication, Broadcasting and Mass Communication, Public Relations or Journalism major
c. Maintain a cumulative SUNY Oswego GPA of 3.00
d. Provide a sample of the student’s written project work from a Communication Studies class that the student feels exemplifies outstanding communication skills (eg: essay, press release, term paper, etc.) This sample must be dated and must have been completed within the last 12 months.”

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload a sample of a written project from a Communication Studies class that you feel exemplifies outstanding communication skills (such as essay, press release, term paper, etc.) This sample must be dated and must have been completed in the last 12 months.